Who We Are

The Society for the Advancement of Global Academics (SAGA) is an organization that was established in 2018 with the primary goal of fostering a greater and more extensive appreciation of practical knowledge and productive collaboration for the betterment of individuals, communities, and institutions on a global scale. SAGA places significant emphasis on the well-being and advantages provided to its members and participants in its scientific gatherings. To achieve this, the society organizes various events, including conferences, workshops, and hands-on courses, with the aim of ensuring the highest level of satisfaction for its esteemed academics from across the world.

In essence, SAGA serves as a platform for academics to come together, share knowledge, collaborate on practical projects, and contribute to the advancement of global academia. The organization’s focus is on creating opportunities for academic exchange and cooperation that can have a positive impact on individuals, communities, and institutions worldwide.


Authority of Directors

The Board of Directors (hereinafter the Board) is the policy-making body of the Society and may exercise all the powers and authority granted to the Society by U.S. law. The Board shall oversee the Society’s policies and procedures. Among its other powers, the Board of the Society shall have and may not delegate the power to: a) Adopt, amend, and repeal the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and the Purpose; Vision Statement, or Mission Statement; b) Elect or remove Members of the Board or Officers; c) Elect the Board Chair; d) Adopt the budget; e) Eliminate programs, approve mergers, dissolve the organization; f) Obligate the organization to new debts, approve any application for and acceptance of any lines of credit or any other borrowing of funds in the name of the Society; g) Sell, transfer, or buy a major asset.


The elected officers of the Society shall be the Board Chair (herein after the Chair), Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Two (2) or more elected officers may be held by the same person, except the offices of Treasurer and Chair. The Board may create additional officer positions to serve emergent needs of the organization. Terms: Officers shall serve up to two three-year terms in any office. Terms shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31. Elections: The Board Development Committee shall coordinate the Board Director and officer nomination and election process. Nominees for Board Chair shall be current Board Directors in good standing. Officers shall normally be elected in September; however, the Board may hold elections at a regular or special meeting to fill a vacancy.

Executive Committee

The Society shall have an Executive Committee including Board Chair, Board Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer and be presided by the Board Chair. The Executive Committee shall implement and enforce the policies and decisions of the Board of Directors, and assist the Board Chair in managing the affairs of the Society. All actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be reported regularly to the Board of Directors.

Authority of the Executive Committee

The Board delegates authority to the Executive Committee as specified in the following responsibilities: a) Implements and enforces decisions of the Board of Directors; reviews major issues in-between meetings facing the organization; assists the Board Chair in developing the agenda for Board meetings; b) Keeps the full Board informed of its activities and actions in an appropriately timely manner through written minutes and verbal reports at Board meetings; c) Facilitates an annual evaluation of the Strategic Plan; d) Reviews and recommends approval of the organization’s operating budget; and conducts a timely review of detailed financial reports provided by the Treasurer; e) Reviews contracts that are executed by the staff; f) Coordinates the development of policies for presentation to the full Board; g) Serves as an advisory group to the Board Chair as needed h) Re-allocates resources if necessary in the Budget within the guidelines established by the Board.

Standing Committees

In addition to the Executive Committee, there shall be four (4) Standing Committees of the Board: the Finance/Fundraising Committee, the Membership Committee, the Conference/Meeting Committee, and the Marketing/Communications Committee. The Board Chair and Vice Chair shall jointly nominate for Board approval the chairs of the standing committees that shall serve one-year renewable terms. The Standing Committee chairs shall normally be elected by the last Board meeting of the calendar year. However, the Board may fill vacancies at any regular or special meetings of the Board.
The Board Chair and Vice Chair shall, in consultation with the chairs of the Standing Committees, jointly appoint the members of committees, all of whom shall be SAGA members in good standing. The Board Chair and Vice Chair may serve as ex officio members of any or all standing committees of the Board.

Other Committees

The Board Chair and Vice Chair shall jointly establish, with the advice and approval of the Board, such other committees, networks, task forces, and commissions as are determined to be necessary to serve the goals of the Society and its members. All such bodies shall be evaluated regularly by the Board Chair and Vice Chair, and may be retained, revised or eliminated by action of the Board.

Committee Records

Descriptions of the functions and duties of all Board committees, networks, task forces, and commissions shall be submitted to the Secretary and shall be made available to members of the Board upon request.

Our Mission

SAGA’s mission is to revolutionize education in the digital learning era by sharing cutting-edge research.

 Together with the SAGA community, we aim to expand our understanding of this field, build networks of professionals with shared expertise, and offer original, research-backed insights. We’re committed to offering financial and moral support to researchers and practitioners seeking resources on digital learning trends, innovations, and effective practices. Our goal is to be a driving force behind advancements in education, driven by research and supported by a collaborative community of like-minded individuals.

Each and every SAGA member has to have a full measure of integrity in his/her relations within the community. Honesty lives in all our transactions: in co-operations, collaborations, conversations, and all type of connections. We treat all member information with respect and the highest level of confidentiality.
Each and every SAGA member works to advance his/her knowledge and abilities, believes and enjoys the beauty of sharing the lessons of experience with other members.
Each and every SAGA member is dedicated to being truthful, providing value to our colleagues, building goodwill and high reliability in all the relations.
Each and every SAGA member supports the other scholars in their personal journeys to professional endeavors.
Every and each SAGA member refrains from being compromised by any type of conflict of interest with any positions and memberships in the society.
Each and every SAGA member refers our members to prospective jobs or opportunities that come to their attention.